972-842-9002 ps@npitx.org

Training and Jobs for People with Autism

Training and Jobs for People with Autism

The differences between people on the Autism spectrum and rest of the world begin to break down when you level the playing field by meeting a person where they are and offering them individualized training to reinforce their strengths and allow them to reach their individual potential.

The approach of nonPareil Institute has become one of empowering individuals with autism to find and pursue their interests, to engage with the world in ways that they are best able to, and to ultimately become productive, happy members of society at large. All people, including those with high functioning autism, want to live lives full of meaning and purpose.

We at PowerSourcing focus our efforts specifically on helping these individuals excel in fields such as Graphic Design, 3D Art, Tech Support or even becoming among the best at app development Texas has to offer.

The Road to Jobs for Autistic People

The road to excel in any field, for anyone, requires vision, focus, attention to detail, support, training and opportunities. We at PowerSourcing help students with autism transition into employees with autism at a wide range of technical and other types of jobs. We, along with our parent company, nonPareil, utilize small groups and one-on-one instruction to support our students in the acquisition of skills ranging from technical know-how to soft skills and workplace readiness that will help them navigate what is often the most difficult hurdle for autistic employees: the interview process.

Autism at Work in Technical Fields

Technical work requires technical skills that are focused on problem solving, in line with real-world industry standards and utilizing standard technical technology and tools. A recent article in Entrepreneur about the 4 Qualities of People With Autism that Could Benefit Your Business, focused on the creativity of visual thinkers, self-motivated work approaches, intense focus and remarkable long term memory characteristics, and intense and specific interests that when focused on tasks lead to meticulous outcomes.

Technical education also means teaching individuals how to work with potential employers and teams in fields such as Digital Art, 3D and 2D Modeling, Character Animation and Programming where much work is solitary but where some collaboration is required.

Once students graduate from technical and soft skill training with nonPareil, they are often brought onboard at PowerSourcing to join teams and begin work on real-world projects from the businesses we serve. They may be developing video games, instructional videos, character design, help desk opportunities and much more.

Our ever-growing list of satisfied clients include engaging instructional videos for utilities, mobile apps for health, video game development, 3D and 2D rendering for professional outlets and technical support for companies of all sizes. We believe that we have found a complimentary niche that allows our dedicated students and employees to shine.

PowerSourcing: We Make Autism Work

The fascinating study of the richness of the minds of individuals who live along the spectrum has made great strides since the early days when voices such as Temple Grandin and Autism Speaks began emerging to show the world that there are countless untapped resources, imaginations and intellects among those who might otherwise be unable to express it.

Along with creating great technical solutions, much of what we focus on is the development and refinement of “soft skills” such as improving communication, professional interaction, self-expression, independence, leadership and team integration, self-management and the building of workplace confidence.

We at PowerSourcing have made it our mission to invest in the minds and the lives of those who might need a little help in navigating the confusing world of finding a job, working in an office, working from home, collaborating and succeeding.

Our campuses are rich with varied opportunities for our students to engage in their own way with a supportive community.

PowerSourcing: Your Answer to Outsourcing Technical Work

We at PowerSourcing look forward to discussing how we can turn your technical roadblocks into opportunities where you can excel. It’s our mission, after all, to view obstacles as the way to successful outcomes!

If your organization is considering building a mobile application to handle internal or external tasks and interfacing, or if you’re exploring ways in which video, 3D rendering, character development or other technical solutions might help you score your next win, consider engaging the team at PowerSourcing.

We make it easy to get started, just give us a call at 972-842-9002. We’ll begin by scheduling a meeting with your development team and our team directors in which we can learn more about your project, your timeline, budget and other details. Then, we’ll craft a proposal that will ensure you meet your deadlines, stay within your budget and surpass expectations. Or, simply fill out our contact form to get started.