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Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

virtual reality augmented reality

Our PowerSourcing team develops points of engagement for multiple platforms and industries, including architectural visualization and gamification of learning. The Unreal Engine is our tool of choice.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are two distinct technologies that offer interactive experiences; however, they differ in their fundamental approaches and use cases. VR offers a fully immersive experience by replacing the real world with a virtual one, while AR enhances the real world by adding digital elements to it. Both technologies have a wide range of applications, and each offers unique opportunities for entertainment, education, and training.

Virtual Reality involves creating a completely simulated environment that users can immerse themselves in. VR creates a sense of presence, where users feel like they are truly inside the virtual world.

Augmented Reality overlays digital information onto the real world and enhances the user’s perception of the real world. AR adds computer-generated elements, such as images, videos, or text, directly onto their view using devices like smartphones or AR glasses. AR enhances the real world by blending digital content with the physical environment.

An example of this type of project can be viewed in our projects section or by clicking here.

Gamified Training & Edutainment


Gamified training refers to the use of game elements in a non-game context. The goal of gamified training is to enhance engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. Gamified training is applicable to various environments, such as education, corporate training, public relations, language, and health.

Edutainment combines educational elements with entertainment value, aiming to make learning more engaging and effective. After all, people learn better and retain information more effectively when actively engaged and motivated. By blending education and entertainment, edutainment creates a more immersive and enjoyable learning experience.

An example of this type of project can be viewed in our projects section or by clicking here.

Architectural Visualization


Architectural visualization conveys the intended design to help in making informed decisions about the layout and aesthetics of a space. Architectural visualization is widely used in the architecture, construction, and real estate industries. This enables better communication and understanding of architectural designs before construction begins. There are several methods and technologies used for architectural visualization:

  • Rendering: Rendering involves adding lighting, textures, materials, and environmental elements to 3D models to create realistic images or animations. The goal is to mimic real-world lighting and materials to showcase how the final design might look.
  • Animations: Animated walkthroughs or flyovers provide a dynamic way to showcase the design’s spatial layout and how different elements interact. Animations can help convey the flow and functionality of a space.
  • Photorealistic Visualization: Using advanced rendering techniques, photorealistic images can be generated that closely resemble photographs of the completed project, providing a high level of detail and realism.

An example of this type of project can be viewed in our projects section or by clicking here.

Digital Video Editing and Creation


Video is a powerful and popular method of delivering educational content in a digital format. Examples of the types of videos that our PowerSourcing team can help with include:

  • Training Videos: Create videos to train employees on new procedures, software usage, safety protocols, or other onboarding processes.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Produce video tutorials that guide customers through common issues or problems they might encounter with your products or services.
  • FAQ Videos: Address frequently asked questions in video format, providing clear and visual explanations.
  • Virtual Events: Videos can be used to deliver presentations, highlight skills, or supplement tools at business events, conferences, or trade shows.
  • Brand Storytelling: Create videos that narrate your brand’s journey, values, and mission, helping customers connect on a deeper level.
  • Crisis Management: In the event of a crisis or negative PR situation, videos can be used to communicate your company’s response and action plan.
  • Promotional Videos: Create videos to showcase products or services, highlighting their features, benefits, and how they solve customers’ problems.
  • Explainer Videos: Use animated or live-action videos to explain complex concepts, processes, or the value proposition of your offerings.

An example of this type of project can be viewed in our projects section or by clicking here.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your project with you. Please click here to fill out some information or call us any time at 972-842-9002.